Slaves1 The fugitive slave act put slaves in a bad situation in both dents. I skew-whiff since the acts were for the white slave owners who lost nearly slaves it was great. I askew it the slave owner could incisively find some alarming slave and thus call them their own. It had to be horrible in many cases for separated slaves. In the first section if a white man was looking for a couple of slaves so he would call them his own. Just that if the slave was a save slave he would have no chance to characterization in his own behalf. The slave act is just some other way to keep the black man down.

So if you hypothesize about it ever when you ar free you are a slave because of the fugitive slave act. The second section was just ridiculous because all the white slave owners had to do was to go into any court of record in the stir that the slave supposedly came escaped from, and swear to the identity and his possession of the fugitive. In my opinion both of the sections are unfair to blacks. twain se...If you neediness to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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